Wednesday 27 April 2016

Abbas - Finished High Poly with Vertex Colours

Here is the finished high poly model in zBrush, complete with vertex colours that were painted by hand using the polypaint tool in zBrush. This is the final model I will be pulling the detail from to bake onto my low poly. I am very happy with how this turned out, I think the level of detail is exactly where I wanted to be; fairly high detail but still quite stylised and painterly. In this respect I feel I have achieved my goal of a 'Clone Wars' style that I outlined in my proposal and moodboards, and I think I have translated my very stylised comic book-esque art style into 3-D very effectively. The clothing was the most difficult for me as I did not have a clear outline of what I wanted his clothing to be before hand, however this gave me the freedom to develop the design as I experimented in zBrush and this resulted in quite a Victorian style outfit, which fits in with the steampunk aesthetic I was aiming for. Now it's a case of baking out the maps and ensuring that they look as high quality as possible to bring as much detail as I can into my low poly model. I am toying with the idea of further enhancing my textures in Photoshop once the maps are baked out. This workflow of painting the main bulk of the colour and texture in zBrush and finishing it off in Photoshop is one I am very find of as it allows me to use my art skills in Photoshop to my advantage.

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