Monday 17 November 2014

Sketchbook: Insectoid

For the past two weeks we were tasked with creating an insectoid creature. The aim was to put together a mood board, draw up some sketches and roughs in our sketchbook, then produce a series of final images; we had to create a front and side view of the insectoid, as well as a final three quarter view. I chose to focus on my favourite insect, the Rhino Beetle, as well as using other beetles for inspiration. This is the mood board I was working with.
Using this as inspiration, I drew up a number of quick sketches and began to find a direction to take my design. I started with a simple beetle, and evolved it into a creature that stood upright.
I was very fond of this design, it looked powerful and intimidating, whilst still retaining the key insect elements I had earlier focused on. Using this sketch, I developed it further and went on to produce the front and side views of my design.
I wanted to challenge myself for this task so I chose to do all of my work digitally, rather than using hand drawn lineart as a base like I usually do. This was difficult for me, but I am happy with the result. I particularly like the front view here, as it helped me to get a clear sense of proportion and scale, which helped to inform my final three quarter view painting.
The final painting was done entirely in Photoshop, and whilst it did challenge me, I am very happy with the result. I decided to add in small hints of environment and lighting, just to add some context to the piece, as I feel my previous pieces and designs have been lacking in context and interesting backgrounds. I initially had some rudimentary weapons and tools being used by the insectoid, but the giant horn seemed to make them feel a little redundant, so I cut them out and made him into more of a hulking brute. - - - The Rhino Beetle Brute is a species of highly evolved, giant beetles. They live underground, carving catacombs into the dry earth below using their large scooped horns on their heads. They are a naturally aggressive species and protect their territory with extreme force. In some instances, they have been used as bodyguards and simple workforce slaves, which further sparks their hatred for all those that oppose them.

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