Thursday 11 December 2014

Maya Assessment - Terrace Progress

The terrace/temple/villa is complete! Grabbed some screenshots of the final detail which I added in since last time. The big difference since the last post is that I textured all of it; personally I struggle with texturing, it takes me a while to get my head around which way things should be turned and where things should be laid out, but I have to admit that by the end of this task I was a lot more comfortable at texturing, to the point where I will no longer shy away in fear from it. That's progress. It's actually pretty crazy how far I've come in just three or so months, before this course I'd never touched a single piece of 3D modelling software, and now I'm building tools, furniture and houses (and Lego men). This is probably the proudest I've been of all my work in a long while, I'm looking forward to next term!

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