Tuesday 29 November 2016

SERREN - Retexturing

I wanted to emphasise his focus on icy elemental attacks, so I went for a slightly colder colour scheme. The blue eyes and scarf all help to change the atmosphere of the character slightly, whilst still keeping him true to his design. The slightly higher density of grey hair also helps to make him appear colder, and also has an in-universe explanation, since he used forbidden magic to more of an extreme than his brother, it has taken more of a physical toll on his body.

Wednesday 23 November 2016

ELIAS - Final Prototype

This is the final prototype model for Elias. I think the poly painting is particularly effective on this model, but I definitely need to work on the level of detail as it moves down the model. The lower half definitely isn't as tight or detailed as the face. I will now use this model, flip it and retexture it to create his twin brother Serren.

Friday 11 November 2016

ELIAS - Model Refining

Added some clothes and began polypainting. Began with some pretty crappy lips but I worked on them using some IMM assets and the difference is huge.

Friday 4 November 2016

ELIAS - Initial Modelling

I have started modelling on Elias, he's currently rocking a very Cumberbatch face, which isn't entirely unintentional, but I'd still like to age him down a little. He's perhaps slightly too skeletal at the moment, so I might have to flesh him out a but in the face to bring back a youthful appearance.

Tuesday 1 November 2016

TWINS - Concepting

The Twins will be magic wielding, sophisticated, snobs. I want them to appear very arrogant and wealthy, so I'm looking at a number of sources for inspiration. I'm looking at a number of game, film and tv twins, as well as real life twins (cough Casey and Quinn cough). to inspire their look and feel. I want the greying in their hair to be from magic use, so I need to try and make their faces look young despite the grey hair.

Sunday 30 October 2016

NACE - Polypainting

The mesh is now fully poly painted. I've opted for handpainted textures rather than Quixel textures to achieve a more stylised, painterly aesthetic. I'm really liking how the colours are popping and flowing over the clean mesh, however I think I may need to add additional detail to the paint to sell certain textures, otherwise everything may end up looking like Plasticine which would be less than ideal. This is something I can revisit later on however, as I'd like to move on with my second model, but once I have a few models to work with, I can try out different art styles and do some deeper studies to figure out what will work best for me.